Creating Story
NEW online small group fiction writing workshop!
October 8 - November 12, 2024. Sign up below!
Reading stories drove me to write, and teaching writing made me think about what has helped me most as a writer. That's what I'd like to share with you.
CREATING STORY is a fun, online, 6-week fiction writing workshop limited to 10 participants. I designed it to help you build your voice, awareness and confidence as a writer – along with a plan to sustain your writing practice, no matter what your writing goals might be.
We will meet online on Zoom from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm on Tuesdays, October 8 - November 12.
Together, we will:
- Create new work and harness the power of revision to better draw readers into the world of our stories.
- Give and receive effective feedback on each other's stories in a supportive workshop setting.
- Develop a writing practice that you can adapt and sustain for your own purposes going forward.
Keep scrolling for workshop schedule and registration. I look forward to meeting you!– Quinn Dalton
The Creating Story writing workshop is designed to allow everyone to focus on their particular challenges and goals while supporting each other with feedback on new and in-progress fiction.
If you haven't written fiction before, don't worry! We'll all be generating new work starting Week 1.
If you have in-progress work that you'd like to share, you'll also have that option. Everyone will have two pieces workshopped with the full group, starting with a short scene assignment given on Week 1, and then with a longer piece, as shown below.
Week 1: Introductions, individual goal setting, writing prompts. Discussion of character, point of view, and elements of a scene. Discussion of how to give and receive effective workshop feedback. "Make A Scene" writing assignment. Drafts will be posted for all participants to read in prep for Week 2 discussion.
Week 2: Workshop of "Make A Scene" writing assignment. New writing prompt. Discussion of Writing Assignment 2 (this can be generated from writing prompts or your own existing work). Drafts will be posted for all participants to read in prep for Week 2 discussion.
Week 3: Small group workshops of Assignment 2 drafts. These will occur simultaneously and I will move between online rooms to share my feedback as well. Homework will be revising and expanding your Assignment 2 draft in prep for Workshop 2 with the full group. There will also be a short reading assignment to be used in discussion on Week 4.
Week 4: Story discussion. Writing prompt. Revised Assignment 2 stories will be posted for all participants to read in prep for Weeks 5&6 discussion.
Week 5: Workshop Assignment 2 revision.
Week 6: Workshop Assignment 2 revision and goal setting for ongoing writing practice.